Assignment 1: Museum Project Analysis

Words: 1303
Pages: 6

Major Assignment 1: Archaeological Overview Assignment
Project Description and Record Search: The project being proposed is the development of a commercial store, that involves the construction a large parking lot and several retail businesses. It is also possible that in the future, the site will be expanded to include the construction of several residential buildings. With development of this magnitude, it is highly possible that there will be land altering processes such as excavation, and paving required. These processes have a large chance to damage or cover any historical artifacts within the land. This risk is prevalent as on the nearby DhRr-722 and DhRr-721, there are recorded sites of human remains possibly indicating a human burial site, that may or may not stretch over to the proposed APE. There is also the risk of additional heritage damage as the site in question is also known to be a preferred nesting ground for
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There are mostly small building and parking lots, so that leads me to believe that there is minimum disturbance to the ground. This area also presents an environment that is often waterlogged and unstable, showing a high moisture setting. Furthermore, a sunken ship just off the shore showed that there was boat traffic along the river sometime ago. Therefore, progressing with the project can uncover sites that contain aquatic artifacts such bones, shells, nautical, etc. The chance of finding intact material, I believe is relativity low because the APE and the surrounding area has seen many small modifications. Though most of these modifications were minor, there can be lots of impact to the heritage resources. The construct of the dirt roads, shacks and fishing operations all have impacts on the grounds and add up over time, which can result in lot of damage to the