Assignment 2: Culturally Relevant Teachings

Words: 481
Pages: 2

Question #2- Culturally Relevant Teaching
(A) Colorblindness is a racial ideology which suggests that the best way to end racism, prejudice, and discrimination is by treating people of the same race, culture, and ethnicity the same. This ideology is a form of racism because it negates the circumstances and disadvantages people of certain races face. The idea of equity versus equally is one in which this ideology ignores and/or denies. According to Richeson (2004), color-blindness "proposes that racial categories do not matter and should not be considered when making decisions such as hiring and school admissions". The qualities of CBRI fails to support equality and equity for students of color and ELLs because the idea implies that there is something shameful about being different, and things that make you different shouldn't be talked about or even
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In order to support ELLs and students of color to realize their fullest educational potential teachers must celebrate and acknowledge their differences. According to (), it is important for educators to "gain information from the local community and transform it for pedagogical use" (p.504). It is important for teachers to get to know the community, culture, and differences students bring into the classroom and use this knowledge to influence their instruction. In order to have culturally inclusive teaching, educators must know about their identity and biases. Often people think that race is about others-minority groups generally, and often blacks in particular but "if we are to understand the role race had in shaping the life experiences and life chances of people who aren't minorities" we will be able to understand their own racial subjectivities instead of how they see and feel about others (Lewis, 2004, p.