Assignment 4: Résumé Critique

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Pages: 3

Assignment 4: Résumé Critique provided an abundance of information for me to use to build an improved résumé. Out of all of the feedback that was given to me by my peer review partner Isabella, I think the one that was most helpful for me was the suggestion to list more skills on my résumé. At first, I didn’t include many skills because I was trying to keep my résumé down to one page. However, I realized that some résumés could be longer depending on the job position that you’re applying for. By listing more skills, I can include elements, such as strong action verbs that will catch the attention of employers. Additionally, I could pull out action words from the company’s website to make me an overall better candidate for that specific position.

The feedback I received from Isabella prompted me to go back and revise my résumé. The changes that I made included fixing the overall format, adding more information under experiences, and listing more skills. The structure of my résumé contained a few inconsistent sections. For instance, under
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The two main suggestions included explaining my clubs/activities and deleting some of the content under the awards and honors section. Personally, I could go on and on about the activities that I have participated in. This is the reason why I wrote them in a brief manner. Most of the clubs/activities are listed clear enough for others to understand what it is. If not, I could always explain to the employer what I did in those clubs/ activities. In addition to the clubs/activities portion of my résumé, I chose to keep the information about my awards and honors listed on my résumé in its original format. Honestly speaking some of them are outdated, however, I need them. I’m a freshman in college and I haven’t received much honors or awards. With that being said, I believe that it’s acceptable for me to keep some of the information regarding my high school