Assignment: Individual And Group Behavior In Organizations

Submitted By kasiaimario
Words: 1561
Pages: 7

Individual and group behaviour in organisations

This unit focuses on the bahaviour of individuals and groups within organizations. It explores the links between the structure and culture of organizations and how these interact and influence the behavior of the workforce. The structure of a large multi-national company with thousands of employees worldwide will be very different form a small local business with 20 employees . The way in which an organization structures and organizes its workforce will impact on the culture that develops within the organization. This system of shared values and beliefs will determine and shape the accepted patterns of bahaviour od an organizations workforce.

Task 1)
Organizational culture in my view is a set of core values and standards of conduct , dominant in the organization , encouraged by the spirit and manifesting itself through artifacts .

Types of organizational cultures by C.B. Handy :

Depending on how the company operates , what is most important to her - there are four types of organizational culture ( typology Ch . B. Handy ) :

Culture of power, which can be illustrated as a spider web . This culture is based on a central person of the leader (or a close group of leaders ), which has a strong impact on the entire organization along " rays " radiating from the center, outside the organization. Horizontal " rings " in the network illustrated by other dependencies (eg, functional, friendly) , but they are not as strong as the central lines . Decisions in this culture are taken rather influenced by the priorities of leaders rather than on the basis of logical procedures . Fullness control and information is in the power of the center of the network . This type of organizational culture well in a turbulent environment when you need to quickly respond to new stimuli , but the quality of the action taken depends mainly on the skills of leaders. Culture of power works best in small organizations . When they would grow too , can break down . The critical moment is a loss leader. It may be clear by the end of the organization.

Culture role - like a Greek temple . The strength of the role of culture is its specialization . Each " pillar " is almost a stand-alone department or project - the " pillars " can also be specialists and their functions. The work of each of these pillars and cooperation between them is coordinated by the Management Board, which can be represented as the roof of the temple. Work in this culture is usually highly bureaucratic . Cooperation between the pillars is based on the procedures and areas of activity. Effectiveness in this culture depends on the rational goal-setting and allocation of resources to individual pillars . Power depends more on the formal position within the organization rather than personality traits . Worker's role is more important than the person who fully . This type of culture is checked in a stable environment , when objectives are not changed every year, and specialized cells can be created for each of them . Problems begin when a sudden change occurs in the environment and one of the "pillars " are not needed . The organization may also fall apart , when there is no holding it together " roof " .

Culture purpose ( task) - can be depicted as a grid in which some lines are thicker and stronger than others . In culture, the main emphasis is laid on it to work ( program, project , task ) was performed. Power stems from the knowledge and experience in performing the tasks. Culture to be focused on teamwork, on reaching a common goal . The main advantage of this culture is its great flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. Project teams are created to perform specific tasks and resolves after taking them to their members to create new teams , depending on current needs .