Astrology: Earth and Northern Hemisphere Essay

Submitted By jschnucks
Words: 305
Pages: 2

Our observations from the Earth help us figure out what's going on in the universe. Discuss one of the topics brought up in our second chapter. What kinds of things are 'regular' that we can see? What things are irregular? Did anything surprise you?

Everything in the second chapter is again amazing. We see many things in the sky, but never really think about the changes that occur. We see many constellations and at times of the year we see different constellations as the earth rotates. Some things that we see regularly throughout the year in the northern hemisphere are the circumpolar stars like the north star and those contained in the big and little dipper. One thing that I find to be quite fascinating is that the earth actually wobbles like a top, although it is unrecognizable to us because it occurs very slowly. I was surprised to learn that the sun was once part of the constellation cancer a few thousand years ago, but now it has become part of the Gemini constellation. Gravity itself is an amazing magnetic pull. Every year we also regularly experience seasons as the earth rotates, but one thing that surprised me was to learn that even in the lower hemisphere it is still called the Summer solstice although it is winter there, mainly because the seasons were named from astronomers in the northern hemisphere. Another irregular thing that we experience on earth is an eclipse. I have always found eclipses fascinating and don’t remember seeing a total solar eclipse