Astronomy Research Paper

Words: 605
Pages: 3

Section A

Astronomy to me is the study of all things above us on Earth, and how our knowledge from them can improve our lives here. The definition of astronomy is 'the study of celestial bodies above our atmosphere', and both Muggles and Wizards then use what we learn from our studies to consider new ways of approaching life on our own and other planets, and allows us to see how lucky we are that we are on a planet such as Earth.

Muggle astronomy and Wizard astronomy are very similar, as little magical ability is actually required for much of Wizard astronomy, but there are still some key differences. While Muggles study the celestial bodies to try to understand these objects themselves, Wizards also study how the position and composition of these celestial bodies affects our magic here on Earth with their own. For centuries Wizards have been using their astronomical findings to try and help them harness the power of nature on our own planet, and increase the potency of many potions
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Section B


its largest crater is the Caloris Basin it has ice towards the top of the North Pole, despite being so close to the Sun
its atmosphere is very thick, and mainly composed of sulfuric acid it has no moons orbiting it
it was formed 4.5 billion years ago
71% of its surface is covered by salt water oceans
has the largest volcano in the solar system, Mt Olympus the average thickness of its crust is 50km
a complete rotation takes 9 hours and 55 minutes in Earth time its atmosphere is 99% hydrogen and helium
it has seven rings, made mainly of comets, asteroids and moons it takes 29 Earth years to orbit the Sun
it has 27 moons it has a circular orbit that takes 84 Earth years
its atmosphere mainly contains hydrogen, helium and methane, and the methane is what gives it it's blue colour it has 'The Great Dark Spot' which is a massive storm the size of Earth, that spins counterclockwise around the planet's surface