Athens And Sparta Compare And Contrast Essay

Words: 1996
Pages: 8

Although both Athens and Sparta were both powerful Greek city-states, they had striking differences in economic structure, government, and cultural values. Athens and Sparta both had unique types of government, education, military involvement, woman’s role in society, and slaves. Throughout this paper I will analyze the similarities and differences between Athens and Sparta. As well as which one is better. Besides all of their differences, they as also had many similarities.
The education of Athens and Sparta were very unique and different. In Sparta the education was vague and slight. Reading and writing were not necessarily Sparta’s top priority. Their main priority was being stellar warriors. Their chief was to make them great subjects and
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In Athens they had a naval army that was abundant and suitable. But their estate militia was terrible. Their port was called the Phalerum, for at this place the sea comes nearest to Athens. “But when Themistocles became an archon, he thought that Piraeus was more conveniently situated for mariners.” This was better for their naval forces primarily because there were three harbors as against the one as against one at Phalerum. Themistocles made it the Athenian port. That is why a market place stands for those living near the sea. Sparta was quite the opposite. Sparta was all about the estate forces. At the age of seven, Spartan children got enrolled into special classes. They all went under the same order and discipline. Whomever showed the most conduct and courage was made captain.” They had their eyes always upon him, obeyed his order, and underwent patiently whatsoever punishment he inflicted.” The chief was to make them good subjects, and reach them to endure pain and conquer in battle. They tried to make them fierce warriors, and the best they could be. Out of these two forces, Sparta has the better outcome. Although a naval army is great to have, estate militias are a lot more important. An example of this is when the Spartans prepared a sneak attack. Instead of going right towards the ships and battling, all Sparta has to do is go around the ships and go to their land. Making the war back on their turf. So the Spartans military is a better