Athletic training Essay

Submitted By basilio03
Words: 1268
Pages: 6

Six Domain of Athletic Trainer

Prevention: It is the responsibility of the trainer is to identify physical condition or prior injuries in an athlete that can lead to an injury.
1. Having the athlete get a physical exam prior to participating which include: musculoskeletal flexibility assessment muscular strength and endurance assessment cardiovascular fitness assessment postural and ergonomic assessment body composition assessment
2. Design and implement a conditioning program (flexibility, strength, cardiovascular fitness)
3. Design and implement emergency protocols to ensure medical personnel are prepared in an emergency situation.
Evaluation: As an athletic instructor, you are required to be able to recognize, evaluate, and assess the overall physical health and conditioning of your athletes to determine their capabilities and reduce their risk of injury while training. Also the coaching staff and any teaching style to improve your performance.

1. Perform a comprehensive evaluation of the athlete who has a orthopedic or medical condition such as medical history, an exam(observing the athlete walk, run).
2. Create a treatment plan based on the initial evaluation.
3. Talking to the athlete of the purpose of the evaluation and treatment plan.
Care: The athlete the student might require immediate care to their injury, so a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology is necessary to protect the player from further injury and to stabilize or safeguard an injury on the field of play.
The athletic trainer is often responsible for the initial diagnosis is done, the athletic trainer then must assume responsibility for administering appropriate first aid and for making correct decisions in the management of acute injury.
The athletic trainer should be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators (AED. Athletic trainers should also be certified in first aid by the Americian Red Cross or the National Safety Council.
Rehabilitation: Understanding how the body works, the function of the musculoskeletal system and the injuries common to athletes in a number of sports and activities will help you determine the type of rehabilitation an injured athlete may need.

1.The athletic trainer will design and supervise an injury rehabilitation program, modifying that program based on the healing process.
2. The athletic trainer is charged with the responsibility of designing, implementing, and supervising the rehabilitation program from the time of the initial injury until return to full activity.
3. Athletic trainers use a wide variety of therapeutic modalities in treatment and rehabilitation of injuries.
Administration: Organizing and administering your department is a skill that you will need as an athletic instructor.

Record keeping: Accurate and detailed record keeping- including medical histories, preparticipation examinations, injury reports, treatment records, and rehabilitation programs-are critical for the athletic trainer.
Ordering equipment: the athletic trainer must keep on hand a wide range of supplies to enable him or her to handle whatever situation may arise.
Supervising personnel: It is the responsibility of the head athletic trainer to provide an environment in which assistants, and athletic training students can continually learn and develop professionally.
Development: You may have a large impact on the future of a professional player, including his personal growth and development on and off the field.

Continuing Education: The athletic trainer should assume personal responsibility for continuously expanding her or her own knowledge base and expertise within the chosen field.
The athletic trainer as a educator: The athletic trainer must time to help educate athletic training students.
The athletic trainer as a researcher: As the athletic training profession continues to gain credibility as an