Atom and Minerals Essay

Submitted By itsmichh_
Words: 946
Pages: 4

Minerals is a naturally occurring substance that is solid. A mineral must occur

naturally, must be inorganic, must be a solid, must be

in an orderly internal structure, must have a chemical composition that vary with specified limits. Some of the types of minerals are Adelite, Braunite, Fluorite, Cerite, and the most common mineral, Silicates. Minerals can be described by various physical properties which relate to their chemical structure and composition.

An Atom is the smallest particle of matter that contains the characteristics of an element. All elements are made of atoms. The central region of an atom is called the nucleus and the nucleus contains protons and neutrons. Protons have positive electric charges. Neutrons are equally dense and have no electrical charge. Atoms have the same number of protons and electrons.

Atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical element. Isotopes of the same element are labeled mass number and with the element’s name and symbol. The total mass of the atom is called the mass number and the proton and neutron each have a mass is just a little bit larger than the atomic mass unit.

There are different types of chemical Bonds such as Ionic Bonds, Covalent Bonds, and Metallic Bonds. Ionic Bonds form between positive and negative ions. Opposite charged ions are attracted to each other and form a crystalline compound. A Covalent Bonds forms when atoms share electrons. The Bonding in Covalent compounds appears in properties that are different from the ionic compounds.
Metallic Bonds form when electrons are shared by metal ions. The sharing of an electric pool gives metals their characteristic.

There are Four major processes that Minerals form Crystallization from magma, precipitation, changes in pressure and temperature, and formation from hydrothermal solution. Minerals that form Crystallization from magma are usually rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium. As minerals continue to form, the composition changes. Minerals that are rich in sodium, potassium, and aluminum form.

Precipitation is also one of the way minerals can form. In ponds, oceans...etc. may contain dissolved substances. If the water evaporates some of the dissolved substances can form minerals. The changes in water temperature can also cause dissolved material to precipitate out of a body of water. The Minerals are then left behind.

Pressure and temperature can form form two types of minerals, including talc and muscovite. These two form when minerals are exposed to changes in pressure and temperature. When a mineral recrystallizes while it’s solid it’s because an increase in pressure. The atoms are just being rearranged to make more compact minerals. In these conditions new minerals form, and are stable at the new temperature.

hydrothermal solutions are when a mineral forms under a hot mixture of water with dissolved substances. This has temperature between about 100 C and 300 C. There is also Fossil hydrothermal solutions and they can be studied. Quartz and pyrite can form when some cool and some elements combine in them. Hydrothermal solution form in many processes.

Minerals are also important for our body is helps with building bones and regulating your heartbeat. Eating a wide variety of foods is the best way to get minerals in our body that we need. For our body when we are producing skin, muscle, and Bone and intimate red blood to carry out nutrients and oxygen we need minerals in our body. Minerals are considered to be an essential nutrient. Minerals play a lot of roles in our body that help us.

There is mineral groups based on their composition. such as: Silicates, Carbonates, Oxides, sulfates and sulfides, Halides, and Native elements. Silicates is a compound that has anionic silicon compound. Carbonates is a salt of carbonic acid. Oxides is a chemical compound that has at least one