Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Adhd Medications Essay

Submitted By Khart0107GmailCo
Words: 2900
Pages: 12

ADHD Medications and Today’s Youth
Kimberly Hart
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Submitted To
In Fulfillment Of Course Requirements For EH1020

This research paper examines the effects of Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) medications in young children and the consequences of taking the medications for extended periods of time. Many children are diagnosed with ADHD and are given medicine to help themselves, however, there are many long-term effects with medicine given to children. With the statistics for adverse effects being high in some cases and completely out weighing the positive effects this study explores alternative options to ADHD medications. A clear definition of ADHD, its origin, and various medical treatment options and the side effects they have on young children will be given. Five million people in the United States currently are taking medication to manage there ADHD. Of the five million people, two and half million are children. These staggering numbers suggest that more than half of the prescriptions for ADHD medication are written for children. In part this shows that the vast majority of society believe that medication is the better and easier choice for ADHD treatment, despite evidence of increase in child psychosis and suicide. Children deserve to have alternative options to medication for ADHD that will not cause other, possibly fatal, health problems in the future.

Imagine you are back in the second grade. Your class is learning how to write in cursive and all you can see within the squiggly lines are last nights cartoons from your favorite show. As you hum the toon to the theme song and tap your pencil on your desk you haven’t realized that the teacher is calling out your name. Again. Snapping back into reality you become aware that its your turn to go up to the board and draw a perfect cursive letter Z. You drag your self up to the board reach for the chalk and stare at the board in a daze. Having no idea what to do or where to start. You hear snickering behind you and feel defeated as the teacher directs you back to your seat and suggestion you “pay better attention”.
Have you ever had trouble concentrating, found it hard to sit still, interrupted others during a conversation or acted impulsively without thinking things through? Can you recall times when you daydreamed or had difficulty focusing on the task at hand? I am sure you answered yes to these questions because the reality of it is that we all do it at one time or another. Now imagine a child, maybe as young as 3 or as old as 9 or 10, that have no idea what’s going on around them and are suddenly told that they had better improve if they don’t want to get left behind. Most of us can picture acting in a daydreamy way from time to time. But for some people, these and other exasperating behaviors are uncontrollable, persistently plaguing their day-to-day existence and interfering with their ability to form lasting friendships or succeed in school, at home and with a career.
Many children are diagnosed with ADHD and are given medicine to help themselves, however, there are many long-term effects with medicine given to children. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), is a disorder in which inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination, causes problems that can interrupt an individuals ability to focus. There are many symptoms of ADHD, including being easily distracted. For these problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for the child’s age and development. Between 3% to 5% of children worldwide are diagnosed with ADHD. It is believed that medication is the only way to help, or even treat, ADHD. While stimulant medication can be effective in treating young children with ADHD, we do know that some kids experience adverse effects from taking these medications over extended periods of time. This paper will