Atticus Finch Heroism

Words: 624
Pages: 3

Some would say that it is better to be a true hero rather than just looking like one. A hero should be sincere and not out for their own good but the good of others. Being a good role model/hero to someone results in shaping their personality in a positive way and giving them the confidence to make proper decisions, as well as sacrificing themselves in a way for a good deed. A role model is a big part of heroism, especially for a younger audience, you want to teach them as well as set good examples for them in the future. Harper Lee created a story with a point of view from Scout, a 6-year-old girl who mentions all the heroic speeches and corrections her father Atticus had passed along to her. Atticus Finch, someone who has a stern but fair attitude towards Jem and Scout, lectures his children on the sinful ways of taking advantage of those less fortunate or the less educated. He is a hard working lawyer in the city of Maycomb, accompanied with a housekeeper/ motherly figure to his kids. Atticus is an extremely significant character who takes on a real complicated case involving a black man accused of raping a white girl. He politely tries to prove that Bob Ewell is a liar …show more content…
Atticus went against a killing group (lynchers), that had weapons and a city with no police surveillance at night. Displaying such bravery to be unarmed and risking the fact that you could lose your life for a man, again shows a great representation of a hero. This action also describes someone who puts others before themselves and does not needs recognition to feel good about their deeds. Atticus, a father of two young children, risked his life for a man under arrest that had no potential of released. He was not expecting anyone to watch him, most certainly not his two kids. This shows that Atticus’s act is the same at home as it is in the community. He makes sure to shows good examples of heroism wherever he