Atticus The Ewells

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Pages: 4

“Shoot all the bluejays that you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee 119). In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper lee discusses some important topics like racism, poverty, and domestic violence. Atticus, the Ewell’s, and Tom Robinson. These three people all had one thing in common; they all had a need. It was racism, poverty, and also domestic violence.

Atticus was a person who fits this category the best. He has been having some problems with racism. Atticus has been called a nigger lover or people had said that he defends niggers because of the Tom Robinson case. One person that has insulted Atticus in that way was Cecil Jacobs. “He’s nothin’ but a nigger-lover” (Lee 110). When Cecil Jacobs called Atticus a nigger-lover Scout attacked him. “I split my knuckles to the bone
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Poverty is something that the Ewells were experiencing. “Maycomb’s Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin” (Lee 227). The Ewells were one of the poorest families in Maycomb. They lived behind the town’s garbage dump because they can’t afford a house. The Ewells had made useful things with whatever resources that they had. “What passed for a fence was bits of tree-limbs, broomsticks and tool shafts, all tipped with rusty hammer-heads, snaggle- toothed rake heads, shovels, axes and grubbing hoes, held on with pieces of barbed wire” (Lee 228). This proved that the Ewells truly were a poor family. The Ewells also had no experience with manners, respect or feelings for eachother. Mayella thought that Atticus was making fun of her because he was calling her ma’am and she dosen’t know what manners are. This shows that the Ewells don’t care if they are polite or if they have respect. “Long’s he keeps callin’ me ma’am an sayin’ Miss Mayella, I don’t hafta take his sass” (Lee 243). In addition, Just like the Ewells, Tom Robinson also had a