Audiology Quiz #7 Essay

Submitted By hoyregine
Words: 343
Pages: 2

SPHP 130 / QUIZ #7

1. One of the fathers of audiology
Raymond Carhart
James Jerger
Harold Westlake
2. Tuning fork test –one common purpose
All three (Weber, Rinne, Bing) of the tests determines if the ear is conductive or sensorineural
Weber (Midline of forehead; patient task: on which side is tone heard)
Rine (Stem on mastoid, tines 1 inch from pinna; Patient task: when BC signal is inaudible then, determine if AC is audible)
Bing (Stem of tuning fork on mastoid, first ear canal open then ear canal closed; Patient task: is tone louder when ear canal is closed?)
3. Difference between conductive/sensitive and neural/fixed hearing loss
Conductive (a temporary or permanent hearing loss typically due to abnormal conditions of the outer and/or middle ear)
Sensorineural (typically a permanent hearing loss due to disease, trauma, or inherited conditions affecting the nerve cells in the cochlea, the inner ear, or the eighth cranial nerve),
Mixed (a combination of conductive and sensorineural components)
Central hearing loss – includes the nerve, brainstem, or auditory cortex dysfunction, auditory processing disorder (a condition where the brain has difficulty processing auditory signals that are heard).
4. What’s included in a hearing test
Otoscopy (immitance testing, hearing sensitivity –testing the bone, pure tone air conduction)
Tympanometry (detecting fluid in middle ear)
Acoustic reflex (tests their sensitivity to intensity)
Pure tone audiometry (assess hearing acuity by giving specific response, finding the threshold of hearing)
Audiogram/ Bone conduction testing (obtain