August Wilson's The Piano Lesson: Family Legacy

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Pages: 3

In the movie, "The Piano Lesson" by August Wilson are two siblings at war over the question of using the family legacy. Berniece and Boy Willie are brother and sister left with a piano that bounded their family for centuries. It all started with their great grandparents working as slaves on Robert Sutter's land. Sutter wanted to make an anniversary present out of his friend's piano but couldn’t afford it. He then decided to trade some of his slaves. One was Berniece and Boy Willie's uncle Doaker's grandmother Berniece and the other one was Doaker's father. Sutter's wife loved the piano but she grew to miss her slaves. Sutter then asked Doaker's grandfather, Willie Boy, to carve the faces of his wife and child into the piano. Willie Boy did not only carve his immediate family in the piano, but he included his mother, father, and various scenes from the family history. Long after slavery, Berniece and Boy Willie's father, Boy Charles developed an obsession over the Piano. Boy Charles, and Berniece and Boy Willie's uncles, Doaker and Wining Boy stole the piano and fled town. Boy Charles got caught on the Yellow Dog train and was burned to the ground. This leaves Beniece and Boy Willie to argue over the family heirloom.

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He wants to sale the piano and take his profits to purchase Sutter's land. Boy Willie believes that God ain't making anymore land and he wants to possess a property of his own. He wants to be equivalent to the white man and he thinks his daddy, Boy Charles, fought and died for that piano so they can buy the land their family was once enslaved on and honor their father's memory. Boy Willie doesn’t understand why Berniece won’t give it up because she hasn’t touched that piano for over seven years. He refuses to be like his daddy and work his whole life on someone else's land. Boy Willie's only desire is to build on with what his family left