Auschwitz-Birkenau During The Holocaust

Words: 353
Pages: 2

During the 1940 Jews from all over Europe were taken as prisoners and were sent to concentrations camps. A highly known camp, that there were sent to, was Auschwitz- Birkenau, one of the three Auschwitz camps. A majority of those sent were to be killed in the gas chambers. Birkenau became one of the largest gassing hubs during the Holocaust, being able to kill over 1,000 people, in the gas chambers, in one day with a newly discovered gas, Zyklon-B.
The prisoners who were taken to Birkenau were most likely to be murdered, due to the fact they were deemed unfit to work. They were deemed unfit through the frequent medical inspections done by the camp physician, Dr. Josef Megnele. Those who were believed to not be able to work, either due to their