Auto Insurance Habits

Words: 657
Pages: 3

As many of us know, bad habits can be hard to give up. From cracking your knuckles to quitting cigarettes, breaking bad habits takes time, effort, and energy. But, ultimately, the payoff makes it all worthwhile.

However, not all bad habits are physical in nature. They can also result from a flawed way of thinking, by assuming something to always be the case, when what's really required is a different approach.

A great example of this is how you deal with your auto insurance. The following are several auto insurance habits you might be doing without even know it, and what you can do to kick the bad habit to the curb:

Assuming prices always rise
With the exception of commodities - like gasoline and precious metals - it sure seems like everything is going up in prices these days, whether it's groceries, clothing, utilities, or home prices. Many people also believe that auto insurance rates are going up, and because of this, there's no real use in checking to see if another policy or provider has cheaper rates.
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According to a recent estimate from the Insurance Research Council, the average auto insurance policyholder devotes just 1.5 percent of his or her income to auto insurance. That's lower than what's been observed in the 1980s and 1990s.

Insurance quote shopping pays off. In a separate poll also performed by IRC, 1 in 3 people who shopped for a new policy wound up making the switch, thanks in part to more affordable premium pricing.

Not accounting for life's