Autonomous Medical Decisions

Words: 1253
Pages: 6

Adolescents are a main part of today’s society, and will later go on to rule, control, and help this world be a better place. Adolescents, are going through the process of human development in the period, ranging between childhood and adulthood. During this period, mankind will experience a period of puberty. Since adolescents are not adults, then we need to teach them that there is always a more powerful authority in this world that they need to respect, and that they can’t always get what they want. It is because of this that I agree that adolescents do not have the right to make autonomous medical decisions. My first reason that they cannot make autonomous medical decisions is because of their brain development, which adolescents do not …show more content…
Experience, is very important, as it allows for you to get better outcomes in the future and other things. Mark Twain once said, "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." This is very important due to the fact that adolescents think that they will be right, but in truth, they are not because of an illusion called the Teenage Illusion Module, which makes you think that you are smart and others are an idiot, during your adolescent times. This is very risky as this makes teens think that they are the best, and while on other hands, that they do not know anything about the decisions they are making. Secondly, if a person learns things continuously, then a 64- year old will know 4 times as much as a 16 year old, giving adults more knowledge, and more experience. Additionally, adults have lived your life once; they went to school, to college, and had the experience of making many decisions in their life. Adolescents, sadly, have no such of this experience and lack this for making decisions, leading to mainly poor choices that will have a bad output on the adolescent’s life. Finally, adolescents have less knowledge as an individual, as said by an article by Michael Eraut, who is a professor in the University of Sussex, that knowledge is developed by bringing people to situations that enable them to think, interact, and perform. This shows, that knowledge is power, and it is earned by putting people in situations, which adults have that more than adolescents do not does. This is the final reason why that adolescents do not have the right to make autonomous medical