Aztec Level 3 Unit 731

Words: 943
Pages: 4

Astonishingly enough, western nations were more than aware of the work that was happening at Unit 731 (AeonStorm, 2011). While over 10,000 civilians, prisoners of war, and criminals were being tortured to death, countries such as the United States said nothing about the issue (AeonStorm, 2011). The project itself was divided into eight different departments, some of them being found in different locations. First came Division One, where the research of different diseases such as cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis and even the bubonic plague were conducted through use of living, breathing humans (AeonStorm, 2011). A separate containment unit was built to house those subjects so they would not infect any of the others. Next was Division Two, which …show more content…
The tank carrying the poison gas began spraying the victims when suddenly, the wind changed direction (Kristof, 1995). The men were forced to flee the area immediately, abandoning the victims (Kristof, 1995). Countless other tests were carried out on innocent children, their mothers and their fathers. These included subjection to high pressure chambers, exposure to x-rays, poison bombs/chambers (not unlike the gas chambers used in concentration camps during the Second World War), animal blood infusions, burning alive, burying alive, and subjection to centrifugal force (Melissa, 2013). Topping the list of the most brutal experiments conducted within the walls of Unit 731 is vivisection. Some of the scientists’ favorite games to play involved the amputation of limbs without any anesthetic, otherwise known as vivisection. The word itself literally means “to cut alive,” coming from the Latin words “vivus,” and “sectio,” which mean “life” and “cutting” respectively. In the case of victims from Unit 731, not only was normal surgery performed without any anesthetic, but other grotesque procedures were