BUSI650 B05 DB1 Thread RCherry Essay

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Pages: 8

Discussion Board 1
Ryan Cherry
BUSI 650 – Operations Management
January 18, 2015

Key Concept Explanation The concept of a “job shop” as a transformation system, refers to a process which has a somewhat jumbled flow, high flexibility, and outputs which are processed differently (Lyons, Vidamour, Jain, & Sutherland, 2013). One of the most important aspects of the job shop which must be understood relates to the definition presented above. Managing a job shop is difficult because of the numerous different routes that an output might take, the numerous different inputs which are required, and the differing operations and amounts of time (Meredith & Shafer, 2013). “[S]ince every output must be treated differently”, efficiently
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Annotated Bibliography
Akveld, M., & Bernhard, R. (2012). Job shop scheduling with unit length tasks. RAIRO -- Theoretical Informatics & Applications, 46(3), 329-342. Retreived from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=iih&AN=85410818&site=ehost-live&scope=site This paper discusses problems in scheduling that affect the operational and process aspects of businesses. Analyzing job shop scheduling, the authors were able to evaluate job settings and tasks to determine an algorithm that would enable them to be more productive. The results of Hromkovič, Mömke, Steinhöfel, and Widmayer’s research assisted them in forming unit length tasks to form said algorithms. Both problems wound up with a competitive ratio tending to 1 using a randomized online algorithm. While the math is fairly sophisticated, the authors’ discussion regarding varying scenarios which might arise within a job shop operation were quite understandable. Much like the other articles discussed herein, the scenarios are based on problems which occur when machines are tied up while works-in-progress are waiting to be continued.
Choudhari, S. C., Adil, G. K., & Ananthakumar, U. (2012). Exploratory case studies on manufacturing decision areas in the job production system. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(11), 1337-1361.