Babe Ruth Biography Essay

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Pages: 3

Babe Ruth’s History
Throughout history, there have been countless numbers of baseball players who wanted to become professional; but who was the best professional baseball player of his time? That someone (in statistics and opinion) is George Herman Ruth Jr, or better known as “Babe Ruth”, who grew up a troubled childhood, but guided down a successful path to an outstanding career, and even considered a legend of his time.
George Herman Ruth was born on February 6, 1895 in Balti-more. But he had rose to fame from a childhood of poverty and much sadness (Haskins 9). George was not born in a hospital because his family couldn’t afford to pay the hospital bills; he was born in a row house at 429 West Camden Street (Haskins 10). His brother John had died and left George with his sister, Mayme. George was always on the streets getting into fights and throwing rocks at cars, and always lurking around looking for trouble (Haskins 12). So his parents sent him to St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys. This is when George’s life started to change.
After undergoing the “training” of Brother Matthias, George took on the career of Minor League baseball (Harry 2). His first team was the Baltimore Orioles. The first time his teammates saw George, they started calling him “Jack’s newest babe” (Harry 3). This
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Babe Ruth taught everyone that it didn’t matter where you grew up or who your parents were, but how much hard work and effort you put into the game. He surprised a lot of people when they heard that the little mischievous trouble-maker became a baseball legend/ Hall of Famer. So it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come, but how much work you are willing to put into the game to become better at that game. If George didn’t go to the Christian school his parents regretted sending him to, he wouldn’t have even thought about baseball, and down a different path not knowing his unique talent that he