Babe Ruth Research Paper Outline

Words: 325
Pages: 2

August 18, 1948 George Herman Ruth Jr. “Babe Ruth” On August 16, 1948 we lost a baseball star. His name was George Herman Ruth Jr. or better known as Babe Ruth. He was born on February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. His parents were George Sr. and Kate George Jr. He was one of eight kids. His sister Mamie is the only one living. Babe Ruth is most known for his love and dedication to the game of baseball. His love for the game came when he was seven years old and he was introduced to it at St. Mary’s Industrial School for boys. This school was taught by Monks. One of them also had a love for baseball and worked endless hours on baseball with Babe. This Monk also helped Babe get recognized by coaches. He invited Jack Dunn, who owned the