Baby Brady Monologue

Words: 733
Pages: 3

“Baby Brady!”

“Baby Brady!”


“Baby Brady!”

The words stung and Jake knew it - he could read it in my face. I didn't want to say anything because the only thing I wanted to do was ignore him. That is what I've been doing since he's been teasing me but he still hasn't stopped; he sure knows how to push my buttons. The charge had an element of truth because I cried several times in 3rd grade, but now I am in 6th grade and have long outgrown my crying habit. If we give into bullies, they can rob us of our confidence and our motivation. Many of us know that bullies are insecure. The only way to feel better about themselves is to seek attention, so they can feel wanted and appreciated. As a society we don't look behind the motives
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Bullying can be direct (such as teasing, threatening, hitting, or stealing) or indirect (such as rumor spreading or social isolation). Han Pyong’ae tries to reveal Om Sokdae, the bully, but the whole situation gets turned around. Pyong’ae transforms from newbie to the object of orchestrated abuse (Our Twisted Hero). Some victims often seek revenge but the most common consequence is further bullying. When a bullying situation occurs, it’s not taken as seriously as it should be. It can cause someone to be anxious, insecure, and have low self esteem. Studies show that victims of bullying end up depressed and have other physical damages (“Bullying”). Adults who were bullied as kids are more socially isolated (Kaplan). In line with the CDC, these bullying-victims are at greater risk for suicide-related behavior of any individuals involved in bullying. Bullying can go unnoticed because kids don’t tell teachers or parents about bullying because their best way to protect a friend is through silence (Sutton). The aftermath of bullying is all too common. States are implementing anti-bullying laws and requiring schools to institute an anti-bullying curriculum. This allows the importance of the problem and the demand need for better