Bacon's Rebellion And Indians Rebellion

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Pages: 5

1. Bacon’s Rebellion
a. Bacon’s rebellion had started with the conflict over the deal with the Indians that were nearby threatening.
b. The rebels are not exactly classified as an anti-Indian or anti-aristocrat because they are a little of both.
c. William Berkeley, who was the governor of Jamestown, developed an Indian policy which would divide Indians in order to control them.
d. Violence had already escalated on the frontier some time before the rebellion even started.
e. An incident happened when some Indians took a few hogs to redress a debt, the whites ended up killing two Indians, then the Indians sent out a group to kill a white herdsman.
f. This led to the House of Burgesses to declare war on the Indians, but it was safe for some
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There was thought to be an existence of an upper class in Virginia which had good land and offered better things.
c. When Bacon was elected in the House of Burgesses he insisted on making armed detachments in order to fight the Indians.
d. Out of official’s control, Berkeley ended up having Bacon captured saying that he was a rebel, about two thousand people came to Jamestown to support Bacon, which led to having him being released.
e. “Declaration of the People” of July 1676 by Bacon was to show the resentment against the rich and the hatred of the indians. 3. 1600s and 1700s
a. Because of forced exiles, luxuries, and promises, or even kidnapping, poor people wanted to go to America for the profit.
b. In 1679 was the first representative assembly in America, is was a recording and enforcement between a servant and master.
c. The trip to America was long as eight, ten, or even twelve weeks, and the servants were put into crowded ships.
d. Weather was not the only problem, starvation led to the death of forty-six of one hundred passengers to die, six who were eaten by other survivors.
e. The servants ended up being purchases and sold like slaves were.
f. Whippings and beatings were very common, and the servant women were even
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If a servant try to do anything without permission, they can end up facing a whipping or a separation from the family.
d. Even though there were some laws to stop excessive punishments, these laws were not enforced very well.
e. In 1666 a couple was accused for the death of a servant which was not truly their fault. 5. Growth in the 1700s
a. The English were soon joined by German and Scottish Irish immigrants looking for a better life.
b. Many Black slaves were being brought in and by 1690, they ended up making about eight percent of the whole population, and twenty percent in the year 1770.
c. Many other things were growing such as agriculture, some manufacturing, and shipping and trade was expanding. And many cities started to triple in size.
d. The upper class was getting most of the benefits of this growth, in 1770 the one percent of owners had owned forty four percent of all the wealth.
e. Everywhere the less wealthy were struggling to survive, just to make it through the freezing cold weather. 6. The Struggle
a. Free white workers had it better than any servant or slave, but they still struggled because of the unfair treatment by the upper class.
b. They were many people who went on strike such as bakers because they had to pay way more for the wheat they