Bad Blood Taylor Swift Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 897
Pages: 4

Summary The music video, “Bad Blood,” by Taylor Swift shows multiple proxemics throughout the video. This is set as an action music video showing Taylor and the other women fighting as villains or possible heroes. The whole video comes off as science fiction and fantasy. This is not your typical music video of everyday life. There are long shots that show the women in action and where an event is taking place. Medium shots are shown a few times throughout showing Taylor and the other women from the waist or chest up. There were many extreme close up shots showing Taylor at an intimate distance as well as the other women. Lastly, the other shots were shown in physical action with a combination of all the proxemic shootings.

Theory Proxemics is the study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behavior, communication and social interaction. Proxemics is one among several subcategories in the study of nonverbal communication including haptics (touch), kinesics (body movement), vocalics (paralanguage), and chronemics (Structure of time) (Wikipedia, para 1&2). There are four different shots used in television. One being, long or wide shot
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This video uses the four different shots used in television: long/wide shots, medium shots, close ups and extreme shots. As the camera zooms in on more close-up shots, this allows the viewers to become connected and aroused/seduced. The intimate close connection the camera perceives the viewer to feel right next to Taylor on a personal level with her. Media continues using these four different shots to have its viewers persist for more arousal and intimacy between different characters, which keeps the public coming back for more and more. The public wants to feel a connection when watching a music video, movie, etc. Media can use proxemics by using different shots and angles to make the viewer feel attached or