Badgeman Theory: The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy

Words: 972
Pages: 4

As everyone knows president JFK was assassinated in 1963 but the real problem is nobody actually knows how or nobody knows what to believe. There are many conspiracies about John F. Kennedy’s assassination. The one that I’m choosing to talk about is the
“Badgeman theory”. This conspiracy says that there is a police officer or someone wearing a badge in the grassy knoll that fired the fatal shot and killed John F. Kennedy. One claim that is made is that the guy who fired the fatal shot was Lucien Sarti. Lucien was a popular contract killer and worked the mafia for many years. A second claim made is that the alleged killer Lee
H. Oswald never fired a single bullet. Another claim is that the three tramps/hobos that were walking around that day
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A fifth claim is that there were a total of three shooters but a total of four bullets shot.
The official story or the story that most people believe is that Lee H. Oswald shot all 3 shots and killed John F. Kennedy by himself. The government issued five investigations to find the killer and all five investigations came back to Lee H. Oswald. The official story is that Lee
H. Oswald was in the book depository and got off three shots in a matter of three seconds with a

very old carcano rifle. The government said he acted alone and was not influenced by anybody or any group of people to do this assassination. Some people have tested the theory of getting off those three shots within the amount of time and say it is impossible. Only one person has been recorded to reenact those shots in that amount of time. The guy had past war experience and also had a lot of experience with the carcano rifle. The conspiracy leaves out that Oswald also had past military experience so he could have got off the shots but it is still unlikely with all the pressure and also the wind on that day that Oswald actually fired all three shots.
Now everyone has their own theory of what happened and who did it but I can only