Essay about Basic terminology

Submitted By francine5
Words: 651
Pages: 3

cost Sacrifice made, usually measured by the resources given up, to achieve a particular purpose expense Cost incurred when an asset is used up or sold for the purpose of generating revenue product cost Cost assigned to goods that were either purchased or manufactured for resale cogs Product cost recognized as an expense during the period of the sale inventoriable cost Cost of inventory until goods are sold also another term for product cost period cost cost identified with the period of time in which they are incurred direct materials Resources that one can feasibly observe being used to make a product direct labour Cost of compensating employees who transform direct material into a finished product manufacturing overhead Costs that one cannot feasibly observe being used to make a specific product indirect material Cost that are either needed to make the product but not part of the finished product or are insignificant (the cost of collecting the info. outways the benefit) indirect labour Wages of production employees need in the manufacturing process that do not work directly on the product raw material Material that has not yet been entered into production
WIP Partially completed products
Finished goods Product ready for sale cost driver Characteristic of an activity or event that causes that activity or event to incur costs (i.e. # of machine setup labour is driven by # of production runs

variable costs Cost that changes in total in proportion to a change in the activity volume fixed costs Cost that remains unchanged in total as the volume of activity changes unit-level costs Cost incurred for every unit of product manufactured or service produced batch-level costs Costs incurred for every batch or product or service produced product-level costs Costs incurred for each line of product or service customer-level costs Costs incurred for specific customers facility (or general-operations) level costs Costs incurred to maintain the organization’s overall facility and infrastructure committed costs Costs for which mgmt. has taken actions that result in some level of commitment to incur the cost opportunity costs The forgone benefit that could have been realized from the best alternative use of a resource sunk costs Past payments for resources that cannot be changed by any current or future decision indirect costs The cost of a cost object that is not feasibly traceable to that cost object direct costs The cost of a cost object that is traceable to that cost object cost object Any entity to which a cost is assigned (i.e. a decision, a unit of inventory, a