Bat/Bat Mitzvah Research Paper

Words: 455
Pages: 2

Judaism is the 2 largest religion in the world, Judaism was found in the Middle East. It is also one of the oldest, if not the oldest monotheistic religion known to man. Judaism has roughly 15 million adherents, most of which live either in the USA or Israel. The founder of the religion is Abraham. There are many rites of passage in the Jewish faith. One of the biggest is the Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Bat meaning Daughter and Bar meaning Son, while Mitzvah means law or commandment. Most Mitzvahs would start with the father of the child saying a blessing to G-d.

What does it mean to be Bar/Bat Mitzvah? It is a rite of passage where in the Jewish eyes he/she is no longer a minor but an adult. Under Jewish law guys/girls are not obligated to read up on the commandments, although they are recommended to check out the obligations for when they turn to adulthood. Bat/Bar Mitzvahs are for when a boy becomes 13 or when a girl turns 12. When the boy and girl turn of age they are required to observe the commandments, the ceremony marks that the person is stepping into adulthood and that they also get the right to take part in leading religious services, to form contracts, be able to testify in religious court and will be able to marry.
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No ceremony is needed and doesn’t fill any commandment. In older congregations the men would often be required to do more when it comes to becoming Mitzvahed. The elaborate ceremonies of Bar/Bat Mitzvahs are relatively modern innovations and isn’t mentioned in the Talmud. In the earliest and most basic form most if not all Mitzvahs the girl or boy would perform an Aliyah or first reading at Shabbat service. The person would be called up to the Torah were they would read a blessing from the Torah over the weekly