Battle Of Marathon Research Paper

Words: 427
Pages: 2

The Marathon, which is 26.2 miles, is named after the battle of marathon which a man ran 26.2 miles to tell the Greeks they won the battle of marathon. There were three big wars or battles in Ancient Greece that were important the Battle of Thermopylae, The Battle of Marathon, and The Peloponnesian War.

To start off, there was a big battle is the battle of marathon. This war took place in 490 B.C. The battle took place in Marathon, Greece. Athens and the Persian empire were in the battle of marathon. Greece won the battle. The persian empire was driven out of greece. A man, who was a messenger, ran 26.2 miles to tell the they won the battle. It is weird that people do marathons because the man who was the messenger died after he told Athens they won because he ran 26.2 miles. This is an significant battle because is named after a big sport in
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It took place in 479 B.C. The greeks lost. The Persians outnumbered the greeks by tens of thousands. The greeks only had 300 to start of with. The greeks had better weapons and armor. They almost won the battle.It enspired all of the Greeks so they ended up winning the war. The United States could use this battle to study their formations, and how they won they won the war. A momentous thing that happened in the Battle of Thermopylae is The small Greek army held off the very big army, the persians, were held off for 32 hours before they lost.

Lastly, a big war that happened was called the Peloponnesian war. It took place in 431 B.C. Both Sparta and Athens were in the Peloponnesian war. Sparta ended up winning the war. Sparta and Athens were pure enemies. Sparta wiped out all of Athens. They took the land Athens land and won easily. This was important because it was the first war out of the three. This impacted all of the other city-states. That made all of the city-states weaker. So they could look at their strategies, and how the Spartans beat the