Becoming A Sports Therapist Essay

Words: 646
Pages: 3

Colleges produce more Sports therapists than engineers perhaps because america is a sports country.(premji) This quote was said by premji explaining the importance of sports therapists in the country. Sports therapists help patients recover from injuries, Sports injuries often require Physical rehabilitation. Sports Therapist teach exercises, stretches and techniques using specialized equipment. They Rehabilitate injured athletes by evaluating the injury on a daily basis. A career as a Sports Therapist is an exciting job because one gets to work with professional sports teams, help athletes, and receive a great salary. Becoming a Sports therapist one would get the chance to work with professional sports teams. Sports Therapist get everything that athlete do. When a professional sports team wins a championship like the Stanley Cup …show more content…
On average a sports therapist makes $40.42 per hour and $84,000 per year. Sports therapist find a job faster than any other job because there is so many more sports therapists wanted in this day and age because there is so many more kids playing sports that it is more likely for them to get hurt. Sports therapists make more money per hour than any other job because there is so many people wanted for the job so they are offering more money to trick people into thinking they want to become a sports therapists because of the money. Sports therapists make more money than professional sports teams coaches because of the amount of kids and people playing sports in this day and age that there are too many injuries to keep up with so they need more sports therapists. Working with professional sports teams , Benefiting athletes and having an outstanding salary are three of the many reasons why being a sports therapist would be an exciting career. Imagine a world with no sports therapists.There would be more athletes in the world of sports that need help more than