Becoming A Straight-A Student: Cal Newport's Analysis

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Pages: 6

Being a straight-a student takes time and effort. You have to focus on what is really important to you and stick to your priorities or else you will not accomplish your goals. In the introduction of “ How to Become a Straight-A Student” by Cal Newport, he gives out advice on how we can be a well rounded student. Newport believes that the advice he gives out is very helpful because not only has he done the things he says we should do.
Getting good grades seems pretty easy for some of us, but getting straight A’s is not easy for most. We get stuck on most of our work or cannot complete or any other reason there is. “ As Matthew, a straight-A student from Brown, explains, it’s easy for college students to become ‘ stuck in a state of permanent
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Their stuff piles on them and they feel that they cannot get it done. It feels like if you will finish it in a million years, I should know the feeling because I have personally lived that. It is hard to complete work when it is a lot. “ Jason, a straight-A student from the University of Pennsylvania, uses the term ‘pseudo-working’ to describe this common approach to studying… This bad habit is endemic on most college campuses.” It is hard for a student when there is a lot of things piled on him/her. On university campuses that is something that is very common and bad. If you know that you are someone that has that type of problem, then you better start getting your act together. Stop playing around, getting distracted, and most important just do your work. It is not that hard to just complete the task. Finishing your classwork when you have a lot to do, will be easier if you finish half of the things you have to do. The other half will be easier and faster to complete because you are done with the other half. Completing your classwork will make you feel proud and accomplished, I should know that feeling of accomplishment. It feels really great to be done with your work. Therefore, in order to feel accomplished your number one priority should be what? Completing classwork and homework , do not leave it for last minute it will make it worse once you have a lot to get …show more content…
Put times, day, break, and how long you think it will take you to accomplish that task. “ When during the day should you study? Where should you go to study? How long should you study before taking a break? The right answers to these questions will boost your productivity, allowing you to squeeze more work out of even less time. The wrong answers will slow you down and make this process more difficult than it needs to be.” Know when you will study, where you will go, and how long you will study before you take a break. Make the process easier for you, do not make it hard because it does not have to difficult. Say that you have lots of homework to get done in just a couple of days, and you are stuck, you do not know what to do in order to get it done. Make a schedule and make sure to keep up with it, that way you will not get lost or stuck. If you know that you are the type of person that does not take the time to do homework and make sure that it all well done. Then you should really consider making a checklist, and deciding when, where and how long it will take you to get it done. Once you consider doing that you will make your life really really much easier. Take your time, make sure it is well done and it is complete. Do not take advantage of the time you are given at school or when you are alone at home. Therefore, when you have done all those steps your life