Becoming Failure In Ayn Rand's 'Anthem'

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Pages: 3

Failing. I have failed many times but failing is the pinpoint of success. When you fall, you don’t just give up, you persevere and keep going until you succeed. The books and texts we reviewed are Anthem by (Ayn Rand), ‘The Emancipation Proclamation’ by Abraham Lincoln, ‘Prometheus’ by Greek Mythology, ‘Critical Thinking’ by Leo, and we had Socratic Seminar. All these stories included someone experiencing failure and I also had failed in my life. When it comes to me, I am a nice person and I try to make the best for others when I have the chance. First, Equality is a nice and caring person. In Anthem, Equality tried to do the best for his brothers, he even broke laws for them. An example is Equality broke the law when he found the light and didn’t report it to the council or when he knew he could learn something himself. Everyone in the …show more content…
An example is that when Prometheus saw humanity needed help, he saw them live in caves, starving, and hunted by wild beasts and by one another. He went to the gods and asked them if he could give them fire for light, but was rejected and said to leave them alone I think Prometheus saw how bad humanity was doing and tried to do a difference for them. Prometheus connects to my life because when he saw something wasn’t right, he tried to do something about it, he tried to figure a way to help them. Henceforth, in the critical thinking video, the speaker wanted us to gain a better understanding of what it means to be an efficient critical thinker. The speaker advised us that it was a dangerous to be a follower and listen to what people say without taking time to create our own opinion. It is not good to avoid being independent, that should be your goal. This connects to my life because it shows how critical thinking is helping you solve many problems and when I help someone I use critical thinking to how to help them in every way I