Behavioral Studies: Understanding Emerging Adulthood Essay examples

Submitted By laz117
Words: 579
Pages: 3

Emerging Adulthood (18-25)

Characteristics include:
Optimal time for physical work and childbearing
Living on edge; extreme sports as there is a greater willingness to take risks
Integrated vs complex: Self descriptions
Complex: valuing openness and independence above all
Integrated: able to regulate emotions and logic
Anxiety disorders
Anxious about themselves, relationships, future
Age and genetic vulnerability shape the symptoms of anxiety disorders
Cultural context
OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is characterized by obsessions (which cause marked anxiety or distress) and/or by compulsions (which serve to neutralize anxiety).
PTSD: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is characterized by the reexperiencing of an extremely traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma.
Hikikomori or “pull away”: new anxiety do. in Japan; anxious about social and academic pressures of high school/college
Stays in room for six months or more; parents bring food
More common in boys than girls
Diathesis-stress model
Disorders are produced by the interaction of stress, or diathesis, with an underlying genetic vulnerability.
Schizophrenia; symptoms is a disorder that lasts for at least 6 months and includes at least 1 month of active-phase symptoms (i.e., two [or more] of the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms). Negative symptoms (Criterion A5) include restrictions in the range and intensity of emotional expression (affective flattening), in the fluency and productivity of thought and speech (alogia), and in the initiation of goal-directed behavior (avolition).
Intimacy vs isolation
Friends, family, sexual partners the sixth of Erikson’s eight stages of development
Share one’s personal life with someone else
Concrete affiliations and partnerships adults seek someone with whom to share their lives in an enduring and self-sacrificing commitment
Without commitment they risk profound aloneness and isolation
Attraction – close connection – ongoing commitment Intimacy
Demand personal self-sacrifice and vulnerability that brings deeper understanding
Self-expansion: enlarge the understanding of us

Gateways to attraction physical attractiveness (even in platonic same-sex relationships) apparent availability (willingness to talk, to do things together) frequent exposure (e.g., roommates in college, co-workers) absence of exclusion criteria (no unacceptable characteristics)
Sternberg’s components of love
Passion: intense physical, cognitive, emotional excitement
Intimacy: knowing someone well