Behind Our Obsession With Bottled Water

Words: 579
Pages: 3

Ground Water: Water is a naturally reoccurring resource that moves throughout the Earth in cycles. Rain, evaporation, condensation, oceans, and groundwater reserves all work together to make up the familiar water cycle. According to “Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water”, bottled water companies are disturbing the natural flow of water throughout our environment. Peter Gleick tells an anecdote about his travels to the Nestle headquarters to watch and observe the process of bottled water from inception to delivery. He notes in his story that Nestle takes a lot of their water from a region home to a desert climate. This utilization of water from an area dependent upon the small stores of groundwater seems immoral to most, but due to less than satisfactory regulations by the FDA and research study performed by the Drink Water Research Foundation, companies like Nestle have been allowed to operate in this manner because bottled water production has been found to be a “deminimis” user of groundwater (Bottled and Sold, 73). …show more content…
Bottled water, on the contrary, has more costs associated with it than tap water and other forms of accessible water. In addition to the monetary costs, the health costs associated with the plastics used to bottle water is also controversial. Resin, petroleum, and other chemicals are utilized in the 7 forms of plastic that are used to bottle water. The plastic in conjunction with the various undocumented minerals that are placed in bottled water, make for a product that misleads customers in more ways than