Being A Paramedic Essay

Words: 413
Pages: 2

Do you think you have what it takes to become a paramedic? Paramedics are on duty 24/7, they pretty much don't get a break.They barely eat because they are always on a call so they don't eat much.I wouldn't be able to not eat for a long period of time, I would be starving by the end of the shift wouldn´t you be? When paramedics do eat they don't have long, maybe 10 to 15 minutes that's it. Sometimes you are out of the rig and inside the station to take a nap, fix yourself something to eat or restocking on medical supplies. You are not always in the rig taking care of patients.
Paramedics work long shifts, like some paramedics work a 24 hour shift and some only work a 12 hour shift, it all depends what you are ( basic life support or advanced life support), what city you are in and how many workers work at that station. Some EMT's work basic some work advance life support.Advanced life
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They need this money to support their family and get gas to drive to work. 0.6 cases per 100 EMS workers are losing work due to these violent attacks just because they are doing their jobs.I don´t think this is right, you should not hit a paramedic just because you are angry at someone else. The paramedics didn´t do anything to you and they sure don´t deserve your abuse. You would´nt hit a doctor in a hospital because in most hospital they have security guards. Most people in a hospital are safe because there are security guards there to protect them. So they don´t have to worry about taking anybody´s abuse.On the other hand paramedics don't have security guards they only have a radio or a phone to call the police, and what if the police are 10 minutes away and there is a guy with a gun. Anything could happen at any time and there is no one to protect them. So they paramedics could potentially get