Being A Slave: A Harsh Way Of Life

Words: 742
Pages: 3

Being a slave was a very harsh way of life that went through a whole process. First the slave was put on sale, then someone would eventually buy the slave and he would ship the slaves to wherever he needs them, after that some slaves were marked to know where they belong. When a person was enslaved he/she just wished for one thing. Their wish was to be free and with their family. Slaves lived in rough conditions, not the kind of conditions that we live in, the really suffered. They got beat, they were tortured, raped, and even killed. Mostly all of the slaves had little or no education, they couldn’t read, or write, and some didn’t even know how to speak English. It was very unfair to enslave people. Being enslaved is a state no one should be in. The traders who sold slaves really had no heart. They didn’t care what slaves felt, they just wanted the easy money. For most of the time, slave traders sold slaves one by one, and not by family like slaves would’ve preffered. That was something very hard for a slave to live with, they would probably not see all their family members ever again. Being a slave meant you had to do as you were told, if not you’d receive a severe whipping. Slaves would get whipped hourly for anything and everything. It was a horrible experience that made people sick and terrified. It was the kind of situation …show more content…
For example in the excerpt from Twelve years a slave the quote “I very much desired that he would buy me, because I conceived it would not be difficult to make my escape from New-Orleans” represents how slaves planned out a way to escape for most of the time, but even then their chances of being free were scarce. Slaves attempts to escape connects to the way they were treated, if slaves were treated nice and with respect they wouldn’t really think of escape, but since slaves didn’t really get any benefits or control they just wanted to leave as soon as