Being Disorganized Research Paper

Words: 528
Pages: 3

I think disorganized is when someone always waits to the last minute and never have things in orders. Also struggle to stay single-minded on what they suppose to do on a job. I feel chained to your ever-growing to-do list. You’re not even sure how to organize your life. You feel frustrated, you want to pull out your hair and you may even want to scream!
When people are disorganized it can be very difficult in many ways. For example when you missed place keys and have to be at the doctor, school or work on time but find them at last minute. Being disorganized can cause his or her job. Sometime then you might have reschedule doctor appointment because they won’t see you. Also being disorganized in school can cause grade drop and sometime you had to repeat a
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Also disorganized can be when people never planned their day out right. Meaning people can become very busy overloading their self. When overloading yourself that can cause you to loose track of time. Also on what you suppose to be doing for that day. I find myself doing this quite often so this something I need to work on. Waiting for a perfect time to do something can cause you to be disorganized. This can cause you to be on a stand still in this case. Also you would never see when the right time is to take of your business. When a person is always loosing belongs and cannot stay focus that’s disorganized. We all are guilty of this because sometime we to get off track. But sometime we have to bring things back to reality. This brings me to my next point about disorganized. You keep putting things off can be disorganized because it will become a repeat. I found myself doing this a lot. It seems like you’re not a accomplishing anything holden things off, delay everything that you need to get done for the day. Prime example, if you take your car to a mechanic and he or she is holding off on your car making excuses why they are not fixing your vehicle.