Being Successful In High School

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Pages: 5

I have encountered many situations in my life where I have not been successful. The obstacles i've faced all through my high school year. Junior year has probably been the hardest year for me. I did not once think that junior year was going to be the hardest year of my high school experience. In order for me to be successful I had to learn from my mistakes and have motivation to be successful. I worked really hard to get to where I am today and I can push through these hard times of my life. Junior year has been a real struggle for me. I was doing so well in my chemistry class my whole junior year. Until these last few months of school I have been slacking off and having no motivation whatsoever to do anything. I was at that point in life where I was ready to give up. So I had to work really hard to push through these last couple of months of school. In doing so I started coming in during lunch and even after school to …show more content…
When I first began playing a sport, I was not good enough at jumping nor was I at pole vaulting. However, I learned and improved through experience. I was one of those athletes who did not win at competitions, there has been failure in sports, and I was able to learn from those failures. As long as you learn to accept your mistakes, but later in life you'll have to move on, realizing how strong you truly are. I realized too late that I could have succeeded if I had practiced and worked hard enough. I gained an enormous amount of knowledge going through this experience. My coach was always there to support me and he taught me how to never say I cannot do this, while at the end of the day I will learn and succeed. Learning the hard way is probably the best way to learn in any life situation. I learned that when success is reached through suffering, the results are far more greater than just being handed an award. Striving to succeed has been my ultimate goal throughout my high school