Belonging: Film Editing and Response Focus Question Essay

Submitted By jacknds777
Words: 334
Pages: 2

Opening scene model response

Focus question
How do the elements of the Opening scene introduce the responder to the notion of ‘The Journey?’

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|The film techniques employed in the Opening scene of Stand By Me immediately establish the |
|notion of journey. As the scene opens, thoughtful non-diagetic music from the theme song |
|Stand By Me plays whilst the camera cuts from an extreme long shot of a stationary jeep on a |
|road, a common journey motif, to its older occupant. The point of view shot of a newspaper |
|clipping reporting the stabbing death of attorney, Christopher Chambers appears to account for|
|the driver’s sombre mood. The next point of view shot features two young boys riding their |
|bikes along the dirt road which seemingly reminds the man of his own childhood; a flashback to|
|the summer of 1959 follows. The image of a much younger boy fills the screen while the older |
|voice-over tells the audience that “it was a long time ago but only if you measure in terms of|
|years”. Immediately the audience comes to realise that impacts of a journey can be lasting |
|long after the destination has been reached. |
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|In contrast, the upbeat second scene introduces the film’s four