Ben Hall's Influence On John Vane

Words: 344
Pages: 2

Where Ben Hall went and who Hall stayed with is a matter of conjecture, possibly with Hall's brothers, and with Gilbert and O'Meally returning close to the Weddin Mountains then fleeing to the Carcoar area, Ben Hall may have stopped at Wheogo or the Pinnacle, where his brother William was gold mining, then headed south to Young, as what can be derived from piecing together information, is that Ben Hall was reported operating around the area of Lambing Flat/Young during July 1863. John Vane, not yet introduced to Ben Hall, refers to their joining Hall close to Young, at a place referred to as Memagong Station and that Ben Hall after their meeting had Vane accompany Hall to retrieve some washing which was at a ladies home, Vane stated; "... Ben