Benefit Of Recess In School

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Pages: 3

Recess, for most kids it’s their favorite fifteen minutes of the day, but can there be real benefits of recess? Children in Elementary school need more playtime during school because playtime can affect a child's mood for the rest of the day. Some people believe that recess allows children to grow as a person, whereas others think recess takes away crucial time for learning. As a result of playtime helping a child’s physical, social, and intellectual development and the benefits of brain breaks, it is clear that elementary school children should get more playtime during school.
Less recess during the school day would result in less playground fights, injuries, and bullying. As a result of this, children should not be allowed more time for unstructured
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Children need recess because it benefits every aspect of childhood development. As a result, parents are starting to realize that playtime can positively affect their child and they notice changes in their child when they get punished for bad behaviors by not participating in recess. Playtime helps a child's physical development, social development, and intellectual development. After spending hours sitting at a desk and listening to a teacher, recess is just what a child needs. According to Rae Pica, “Work that includes breaks and downtime proves more effective than working in long stretches. Because young children don’t tend to process information as effectively as older children (due to the immaturity of their nervous systems and their lack of experience), they benefit the most from taking a break for unstructured play” (Pica 3). In other words, children are built to be active and mobile, so working for long periods of time causes them to lose focus. Recess allows children to relax their minds and because of this, children are actually more focused during class. In addition, recess also helps with social development. In class kids are supposed to be quiet and not interact with the other students. When children go outside and have a playtime they get to be social and that can ultimately help them in their adult life (Pica