Benito Juarez: Money And Politics

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Money and Politics
Santa Anna had large amounts of wealth that impacted his decisions in politics. Benito Juarez was a self-made man that started out poor; these factors would also affect his political choices. The two were also on opposite of ideology, Juarez was a Liberalist and Santa Anna was a Conservative. Money would greatly influence their political movements and their likability in Mexico. The twos economic background would have also would have effected their likability and choices in office.
Benito Juarez was a simple man and did not have money, this would make him more like the poor of Mexico and also defend the liberal ideal of capitalism and equality. BOOK stated, “He’s wife made the shirts(93).” This suggests how simple Juarez
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“He became one of the region’s largest land owners (19)” Santa Anna had much to gain in being a Monarch of Mexico. By gaining the status of being the leader of Mexico Santa Anna would have gained the pleasures of being president, even though he did not enjoy the politics of running Mexico. “After losing heavily in gambling, he forged his superior’s signatures of drafts to repay debt(18).” This quote does two things: It shows the value he has of his own money and it shows the lack of morals Santa Anna had. Santa Anna valued his money; he was unwilling to pay his debts with his money. He also had poor morals, to be betting large amounts of money that he did not have, then using others money suggest poor morals because he was unwilling to take ownership of his action. These actions explain his political choices because he was selfish well in office. Santa Anna had lost numerous wars to America, but what hurt him the most was his need for more money. After losing a large part of Mexico to America, and the debt he managed to fight the war, he then sold more land to America for money. He was greedy and this explained some of his choices while in