Benjamin Franklin And Fulghum's List Comparison

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Pages: 1

Comparing Robert Fulghum’s list to Benjamin Franklin’s list
Robert Fulghum’s list of things learned in kindergarten and Benjamin Franklin’s list of virtues appear to have many similarities. For example, in All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Fulgham states in his list, “Wash your hands before you eat. Flush”(96). While in Franklin’s list of virtues, he states, “Cleanliness,” as an important aspect, very similar to Fulgham’s point. Another example exists when, Franklin describes sincerity and Fulgham states, “Play Fair…Say you’re sorry when you hurt someone”(96). Even though Franklin’s list applies to things that occur over a lifetime, Fulghum’s list obtains activities that occur in the everyday life. As a result of this,