Benvolio And Mercutio's Endeavoring

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Pages: 2

Benvolio is Lord Montague's nephew and Romeo's cousin. He is typically depicted by Shakespeare as a kind and mindful individual who endeavors to pay special mind to his cousin. Benvolio tries to decrease Romeo's sentence in the wake of endeavoring to keep the duels that end in Mercutio and Tybalt's passing, leaving Romeo just with an expulsion and not a capital punishment. Some portion of Benvolio's part is urging Romeo to go to the gathering, where he begins to look all starry eyed at Juliet.
Benvolio spends the vast majority of Act I endeavoring to divert his cousin from his fixation on Rosaline however following the main appearance of Mercutio in I.iv, he and Mercutio turn out to be all the more firmly adjusted until III.i. In that scene,