Beowulf And Grinch Comparison

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Pages: 2

Evil monsters being similar or different from two different genres
Could two evil monsters from different genres of literature be similar? Yes, in ways such as their mood, style, and habitat. For example, in the poem Beowulf and in the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas, both monsters lived in a lair. The monsters are also very evil and attack at night. Although Beowulf and How the Grinch Stole Christmas have many similarities, they are also different because of conflict, setting, and characterization.
Conflict occurs differently in Beowulf and in the Grinch. Conflict is a literary element that involves a problem in a story. For instance in the Grinch, Grinch steals presents from the Who’s in Whoville. However, in Beowulf Grendel kills innocent Danes. Another example is, Grinch’s companion Max was loyal helping Grinch steal presents, but Beowulf's men are not loyal causing
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Setting is a time and a place in which the story takes place. An example of this would be, in Beowulf the antagonist lives in an underground lair. The monster Grendel lives underground to isolate himself from society. In the movie Grinch, the Grinch lives in a lair on top of mountains, but he interacts with society. Setting can be different in all kinds of genres, especially in these two.
Not only are the conflict and setting different in Beowulf and the Grinch, but also characterization is different in the two genres. Characterization is the physical, mental, or emotional description of characters. Such as in the Grinch, Grinch had no hope in Christmas “That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been *about*. Gifts, gifts... gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts.” In Beowulf, Grendel didn’t have a heart and killed many. Another example, the antagonist in Beowulf is killed, but the antagonist in the Grinch is saved. There are many types of genres that contrast in