Beowulf Being A Hero Essay

Words: 553
Pages: 3

Heroes aren't just the warriors, the firefighters, and the teachers. Heroes are the men and women, who everyday, pursue a silent personal victory. A victory over average. A win against mediocrity. And a success above defeat. A true hero isn't measured by the size of their strength, but by the strength of their heart. Being a hero isn't about letting others know you did the right thing. It's about knowing you did the right thing. A hero can be anyone. Anyone can do the right thing. Beowulf is a great example of a hero. He sailed across the sea to help the Danes defeat Grendel; a monster terrorising the Danish people and killing them. Little did they know by killing Grendel, they angered his mother. So Beowulf stayed longer and defeated the mother too. He helped the Danes when he didn't have to. He didn't have to risk his life to save the Danes, but he did. Then he went home, and after the death of his king and son, he was made king himself. He was a great king. But it didn't last forever. There was a dragon. He was harder to defeat, and it took more than just Beowulf himself. One of his warriors fought beside him and they defeated the dragon. But it was for a price. It cost Beowulf his life. He had …show more content…
His parents died when he was young, leaving him alone. But instead of becoming a delinquent, he decided to save his town; Gotham. He defeated many people in order to save Gotham. He could have just left Gotham, but he didn't. He didn't need to risk his life for some people that he didn't even know, but he did. Batman may have killed some people, but he did it to save so many more. Batman is a hero because of the things he has accomplished and the villains he has defeated. Batman is very courageous because he doesn't have any superpowers, but still has the courage to face crazy villains and dangerous criminals. Batman puts his life in danger for his city, and that makes him a courageous