Beowulf Compare And Contrast Essay

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Pages: 2

There's a lot of differences in the characters in the book and movie such as, Grendel's mom. In the movie she has sex appeal and was a shapeshifter. She tempted men to get what she wants. In the poem she is a hideous monster. Hrothgar in portrayed in the poem as a good leader and a wise man. In the movie he is a drunken fool and very unfaithful to his wife.
One way that Hollywood changed the story was that they took out a lot of the religion. The only one who really talks about religion in the movie is the bad guy, Unferth, which is kind of ironic. In the monk's version, all of the monsters are descended from Cain. (Cain was the first descent from Adam and Eve. He committed the first murder, which made him pure evil.) In the movie the monsters
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In the poem, Beowulf never lied and was a great hero, but in the movie he lied to his people to become king by saying that he killed Grendel’s mom, but he wasn't all the way bad. He still protected his people from evil, such as his son, the dragon. Even though he was a monster, he killed his own son to save the people of Heorot.
The last example of how Hollywood changed the poem was that they made it sexy. Like I said, They made Grendel's mom really beautiful and Beowulf was looking pretty good himself. And then there's the scene where they have relations. They most likely made it this way to have it’s viewers drawn in emotionally, and because it adds excitement when the “heroic” warrior that is Beowulf, succumbs to the temptation that is Grendel's mother.
The audience of the poem back then was just happy to hear the story, but in this modern age, everyone has to know why or how something happened. Like, how was the dragon created? Or Why did Hrothgar kill himself? Our audience needs more than just a story. We’re more sophisticated and that's why Hollywood change the