Beowulf Epic Hero Essay

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Pages: 3

In Anglo-Saxon times and writing to be a legend was to be a warrior.This time is known in history as a time period where knights and heroes are mostly known for their faithfulness, boldness, and dauntlessness. In “The Epic Beowulf” By: Anonymous Beowulf proves to have all these characteristics . Beowulf fights two evil characters, first the man-eating Grendel, then Grendel's revengeful mother, he protected the Danes from these horrendous creatures. Then coming back to Geatland and honorably declining to take the throne when his uncle King Hygelac died. He eventually became king after the death of Heardred. By these actions alone Beowulf proves to be an epic hero through his tremendous Bravery, Strength, and Loyalty.
Beowulf is an epic hero through his tremendous bravery. he shows this by standing up to the fight battles when no one else will do so. Sarah McNary says that Beowulf is a brave man that fights weaponless and alone. He is physically and mentally courageous (1). For Beowulf to
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George Clark says, “Beowulf , the idealized hero, is and inverted version of a monster due to his extraordinary strength and the traits he shares with Grendel and the dragon in particular” (2). Beowulf was able to fight a big vicious monster and he came out on top. Not only did beowulf have to be strong he had to be smart in order to defeat Grendel. Eddie McPherson says that Beowulf is very individualized he is powerful than many others; smarter than many and will like iron (3). Beowulf used his smarts and strength to help him win the fight. Peter Dendle says, “ With one sweeping motion, Beowulf grabs the monster throat and brings it down by mere strength alone” (5). think about how strong beowulf had to be in order to pull this ferocious beast