Beowulf Hero Quotes

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Pages: 3

Beowulf ate another mushroom before running into the golden castle, fearless, and battle-ready. He was fighting bravely to win back the castle, and save the people, but the reptilian hell-monger was not giving up. Finally, Beowulf reached into the fiend’s horned shell, grabbing and tearing off his arm. The beast fell to the ground, dead, and Beowulf achieved victory. The King came to Beowulf and asked: “What is your name, o’ mighty hero?” Beowulf smiled and replied in a thick Italian accent: “It’s a-me! A-Beowulf!” How much better would our heroes be if they had the same values and ideals as Beowulf? The Joker, Ursula, and Bowser from Mario wouldn’t stand a chance! Beowulf is an ideal hero, and a great model to base all of the other heroes off of. A quote from the epic poem shows how mighty and noble Beowulf was. “Nor have I seen a mightier man-at-arms on this Earth than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken, he is truly noble.” This is no mere hanger-on in her’s armour.” (244-251) Beowulf showed extreme selflessness, unshaken courage, and incredible strength and perseverance through the entirety of the …show more content…
Throughout the whole story, Beowulf never does anything solely for himself; he is always working to protect others. When Grendel was terrorizing the kingdom, and took over the mead hall, Beowulf disregarded his own safety, and went forth to emancipate the people. During his reign as king, he was always working to make the lives of his people better, and he lived altruistically. Toward the end of the story, he understood the threat of the dragon, and he understood that he would likely die, but still, he set out to fight the dragon. Even when the thanes were scared, and tried to protect themselves, he continued on to the battle. In the end, he showed selflessness through the ultimate sacrifice - giving his own life to protect his