Beowulf Is An Epic Hero

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Pages: 7

Beowulf, the legend, the epic, the hero... Or is he? The epic poem of this so called hero brings to light some deep connective thoughts that we ourselves need to be told. Beowulf may have faced some of the challenges throughout the entire epic, and indeed they were quite the challenge, but no matter how much you can conquer or how much you can triumph over foes, regular human beings still have our own "dragon" to face in the end. Beowulf's portrayal as being a said, "hero" is a very proper and fitting title. His courage and ability to face such foes as hideous monsters or even himself, makes him very qualified to carry this title as his own. This epic poem should be taught and read everywhere because of the important lesson it teaches; you …show more content…
In comparison, Beowulf is left on the same level of selflessness as Jesus. Fixation on the goal that his people won't think him too unfit or not courageous enough gives easy comparability to the Lord and Savior Jesus. Even in mockery, "They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said.' (Matthew 27:28-29) Beowulf faced the same mockery when arriving to save the Danes, "Nor have I ever seen,/ Out of all the men on earth, one greater/ Than has come with you; no commoner carries/ Such weapons, unless his appearance, and his beauty,/ Are both lies."(Raf 248) These saviors may have been teased, mocked, scolded, tempted, but they prove these ignorant people wrong. Beowulf conquered over Grendel and Grendel's mother to save an entire civilization from tyranny and depression, along with conquering a dragon to save his kingdom from destruction. Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for his disciples when he was nailed up on a cross with a thorny crown on his head, with blood and sweat dripping down his shivering body he still remained strong. Three days later he resurrected, giving hope to those children of God and proving that …show more content…
Beowulf is humble, even when slaying these giant demonic foes that are presented before him and he has the right to be a little cocky, he keeps composure and shows humbleness. Beowulf is that spark of light seen at the end of a dark tunnel, a glimmer of hope when all else was lost, the bringer of a new beginning to these Danes who have lost everything. Like Christ brings hope to those who have none, and gives new life to the people who have nothing to live for. Beowulf, like Christ, is willing to sacrifice everything, even his own life, to protect and defend his followers and kingdom. Beowulf and Christ both put their lives on the line just for the protection of their followers, and both figures actually do