Bernie Sanders And Stereotypes

Words: 451
Pages: 2

The senator from Vermont and presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has been greatly supported by a group of young, enthusiastic voters. While on the campaign trail the candidate has attracted attention because one part of his platform is centered around ridding Americans of the many expenses associated with health insurance and college education, by making them free. This change will greatly impact the lives of many Americans, but at the same time, many have questioned how exactly a change so drastic could ever take place. Consequently, his proposal has been labeled unrealistic, which has led to Americans dismissing and disapproving of his platform. Political Cartoonist Dave Granlund uses contradicting messages between the words and images within the political cartoon to suggest that the political propositions issued by Sanders can not be realistically implemented throughout these United States. …show more content…
This method makes it apparent that this particular cartoon is based around the candidate’s affiliation with the word free. Preceding “free” on the poster is the underlined term amazing, which attaches a negative connotation to the statement presented because the word choice insinuates that Americans receiving free stuff will be impossible, shocking and unrealistic. Dave Granlund’s word choice correlates with Sanders being dressed in magician’s